28 May 2014

Plaquette honoring Manuel Lobo, founder of Colonia del Sacramento
Plaquette honoring Manuel Lobo, founder of Colonia del Sacramento

Manuel Lobo

Manuel Lobo (Verdelha, February 19 of 1635 - Buenos Aires, January 7 of 1683) was a Portuguese military officer who served in the War of Restoration of Portugal (1640-1668) and was governor of the captaincy of Rio de Janeiro from 1679. In 1680 he founded the Colonia del Sacramento, town currently located in Uruguay.

In Portugal

Manuel Lobo was born in 1635 in the village of Verdelha Auburn, parish of Symington of Vila Franca de Gaia in Portugal. His parents, of noble lineage, were John Fogaca de Sá da Costa and Maria de Menezes. The nickname "Wolf" was derived from his maternal grandfather, Manuel Lobo Alcaçovas.

In 1652, at age 17, in the context of the War of the Restoration (1640-1668), Manuel Lobo joined the army as a soldier of infantry. He participated in the resumption of Mourão (October 1657) and played a prominent role in making the Forte de São Miguel, during the Siege of Badajoz (July 1658). In 1659 participated in the Battle of the Lines of Elvas. The feats of arms of Manuel Lobo won him a commendation of the Order of Christ and a sum of 120 ducats yearly, as applicable in actual resolution dated August 9, 1663. also participated in the Battle of Ameixial (June 1663) and the Battle of Montes Claros (June 1665).

Brazil colony

Manuel Lobo, now with the rank of general, was appointed governor of the Captaincy of Rio de Janeiro by the Prince Regent Pedro II of Portugal , as stated in a resolution dated 8 October 1678, for a period of three years, as the successor of the Matias Cunha. Another real document of November 18, 1678, contains detailed instructions for the new governor to initiate colonization of the southern part of Brazil colony in the region of Río de la Plata, soon after taking possession of the captaincy.

The new governor arrived in Rio de Janeiro on May 9, 1679, and immediately began preparations for the trip south, recruiting volunteers for the expedition and gathering supplies and boats. From the left John Tavares barreling in the position of acting governor.

The colonizing expedition was varied composition. The military regiments consisted of three companies of infantry of 50 men each, under the command of Captains John Lopes da Silveira, Manuel Aquila Elgueta Hearty and Simon de Brito. There was a regiment of cavalry commanded by Captain Manuel Galvão, which in practice was the second of Manuel Lobo. Galvão was the only white carrying his wife, Joan. The artillery , whose captain was Anthony Elder, took 18 artillery pieces in total. Other important characters were Francisco Naper of Lancaster, who would become governor of Cologne, and Chaplain José Manuel António da Mota. Also accompanying the expedition two Jesuits, artisans (carpenters, masons), Indians and 60 black slaves.

From Rio de Janeiro, Manuel Lobo sailed with three ships to St. Vincent, where he tried to gather more resources and personnel. There have joined the expedition over two boats so full that the fleet was composed of five boats. The main nave - Santa Veríssima - had 30 guns and was commanded by Captain Antonio Fernandes Almighty. With those who boarded in St. Vincent, the expedition had a total of 400 people or so.

In 1678, Captain 'South came again to be ruled from Rio de Janeiro, a situation that had been repealed in 1663. In 1679 the river was the basis for the expeditions who founded Colonia del Sacramento, on the banks of the Rio de la Plata, in the current Uruguay, during the government of Manuel Lobo, who ruled the city between 1679 and 1680.

The Overseas Council instructed Manuel Lobo to build a fortress on the island of São Gabriel opposite the north shore of the estuary of the River Plate and later on land to serve as a support for trade with Potosi, the Silver Mine area. The fortress was exposed to the rivalry with the Spanish province of Rio de la Plata, a few hours crossing the troops of Buenos Aires. This region for many years would be cause for diplomatic and military confrontation between the two Iberian countries.

The May 9 of 1678 D. Manuel Lobo took office in Rio de Janeiro office of the governor general of the captaincy South Varnhagen, however, says it was named the 12th August of 1678 and took office in May 1679.

On January 1 of 1680 Manuel Lobo initiated the foundation of the new colony in the River Plate and created the most sensitive and more friction between the two Iberian cities, with immediate reaction from Buenos Aires point - since August 7. On January 20 Manuel Lobo, with his squadron, dropped anchor in the River Plate near San Gabriel and took possession of the territory there to build a fort. The February 25, 1680, Manuel Lobo wrote to the São Paulo Hall, attended by the happy arrival, Thank aid and asks for help from groceries because it lacks provisions. The August 7th can not withstand a major attack Spanish fleet. A strongly resentful defeat by Portugal, which begins major deal with Spain and the Holy See, seeing themselves confirm their right to Sacramento.

See: wikipedia


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