Palace of Freedom
The Paço da Liberdade is a cultural center located in the city of Paraná in Curitiba on Generoso Marques Square.
Opened in March 29 of 2009 after undergoing a thorough restoration funded, funded by SESC.
The building is listed by the municipal property (Curitiba), the State Secretary of Culture of State Government and by the National Heritage (IPHAN).
Tuesday to Friday, 10am to 21 hours, Saturdays from 10 to 18 hours and Sundays from 11 to 17 hours with the Palace Café, Library, Free Internet, the Palace Store, Customer Service and Visits Monitored services.
The performance of other activities, such as courses, concerts and film screenings, is disclosed in the printed program guide and via social media.
It also offers guided tours for students.
See: wikipedia
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