10 February 2014

Poisson Sirène (1990)
Poisson Sirène (1990)
Poisson Sirène (1990)

Alex Berdal (1945)

Bronze sculpture with brownish patina, signed Berdal, foundry stamp Candide Bronze d'Art Paris. Limited edition of 8 casts plus 4 artist's proofs. Sentence written on the work: "He dines with a sardine and chooses anchovies" ("Il fait son choix d'anchois et dîne d'une sardine").

"The theme of still life in sculpture is rare. It is treated here with delectation. Berdal makes objects he likes, connecting otherwise shapes alredy seen, diverting relieves, transforming objects."

"Curves, volumes organize themselves in a modelling syntax which harmony is never fortuitous, sublimate themselves in a Maternity figure or transform themselves in a Siren's wink."

See: devos

Montparnasse Cemetery

Cimetière du Montparnasse is a cemetery in the Montparnasse quarter of Paris, part of the city's 14th arrondissement.


Created from three farms in 1824, the cemetery at Montparnasse was originally known as Le Cimetière du Sud (Southern Cemetery). Cemeteries had been banned from Paris since the closure, owing to health concerns, of the Cimetière des Innocents in 1786. Several new cemeteries outside the precincts of the capital replaced all the internal Parisian ones in the early 19th century: Montmartre Cemetery in the north, Père Lachaise Cemetery in the east, and Montparnasse Cemetery in the south. At the heart of the city, and today sitting in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, is Passy Cemetery.


Montparnasse Cemetery is the eternal home of many of France's intellectual and artistic elite as well as publishers and others who promoted the works of authors and artists. There are also monuments to police and firefighters killed in the line of duty in the city of Paris. There are also many graves of foreigners who have made France their home.

The cemetery is divided by Rue Émile Richard. The small section is usually referred to as the small cemetery (petit cimetière) and the large section as the big cemetery (grand cimetière).

Because of the many notable people buried there, it is a highly popular tourist attraction.

See: wikipedia


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