19 February 2014



Jekerkwartier is a neighborhood in the historic center of Maastricht.

Location and Naming

Jekerkwartier is located in the southern part of the city center of Maastricht is today and also known as the Quartier-Latin of Maastricht.

The district takes its name from the river Jeker that flows through the district and mounts into the river Maas. It was originally a low-lying area with a number of branches of Jeker, which became the streets and the blocksof the district.


The northern part of the district, within the first medieval city walls, is the oldest part. This part belonged, according to archaeological excavations, in the Merovingian period to an urban settlement. Around 1200 this area was surrounded by an earthen wall. In 1229 the still existing stone rampart was built.

By the construction of the second medieval city wall (± 1350) the central part of the Jekerkwartier was annexed to the city. The presence of water (Jeker) caused the settlement of many tanners. Some street names remind us of this fact.

See: wikipedia


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