18 February 2014


The Pest Huys

The Pest Huys is the common name for the water mill The Ancker, a former paper mill on the river Jeker in Maastricht, located on Vijf Koppen in the front of the Helpoort. The building, constructed mainly of brick, limestone blocks and Namur stone is whitened on the north and east facade. The west facade is situated on the river Jeker. The name 'Pest Huys' is actually incorrect, since the building was never the function of plague house had. The proximity of barracks for plague sufferors before the 18th century has probably led to this misnomer.


The Pest Huys was originally a by Mr. Willem Frederik Jacobi, deputy high bailiff at Maastricht in 1775 built paper mill that made use of hydropower. This factory, erected on the remains of an exploded 16th century gunpowder mill and the former city warehouse, originally had two waterwheels. Mid 19th century, after the construction of the canal Maastricht-Liege, the mill came through siltation of Jeker in disuse and in 1876 it was dismantled. The complex is registered in the register of national monuments. Nowadays it is in use as a house and theater.

See: wikipedia


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